Tuesday 26 June 2012


Smiling is an incredibly important part of our lives. When we smile, the other person feels at ease and gains confidence to discuss his problems also. Smile relaxes both. It has an ability to wipe out anger and hatred. Smile is contagious, seeing you smiling the other person is bound to smile. From certain situations, people are always smiling especially in groups but it doesn’t just signal that they‘re happy, far from it. In a world where everyone is out for themselves, who should we trust? One signal that suggests we are trustworthy is a smile. Genuine smiles send a message that other people can trust and cooperate with us. People who smile are rated higher in both generosity and extroversion and when people share with each other they tend to display genuine smiles. We use smiles for specific social purposes because they can send out all sorts of signals that can be useful for us. 

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