In the beginning, each individual receives a basic education that derives from his relative. This tutoring helps someone within regards of his behaviour in the society. But some people decide to keep their bad habits. A habit is any behaviour that someone has performed so often which becomes almost an involuntary response. People spend countless hours attempting to break these habits and often do not have any success. Reason being, because change is hard work and there is no short cut to achieving it. To effectively change a habit, one needs to bring the action back into the realm of consciousness and regain the ability to make choices. Here are some tips a person needs to follow in order to break bad work habits:
- Stop abusing office resources and use time productively.
- Avoid gossip, because it creates a bad reputation and nobody will share information with you.
- Don’t postpone what you can do today for tomorrow
- Being late for meeting shows lack of respect. So try your best to manage your time efficiently.
- First impression count, so wear clothes that you look respectable in look like you take your job seriously.
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