Friday, 30 March 2012


In the society, it sees that marriage is the union between two people. Many women are incapable to understand clearly the purpose of making a lifelong commitment with another person. In general view, they think that it is dependent the signature of piece of paper in front of families and friends , put ring into finger or organise a big party, after they become husband and wife. Moreover, the response that we received from the women that we interviewed is like “I’m getting very old and this is one of the reasons why I want to get married”. Whether many expectations must be taken in consideration before the two parties agree for the final decision. Those things are the following:  
  •  Before getting married a couple need to know each other in order to avoid misunderstand
  •    A couple need to be friend and not just build a partner relationship
  • Trust is a must, working to make things better for parties and enjoyment, pleasure and Happiness 
  • Besides love, communication is the biggest tool that leads the couple for mutual respect


We all see that individual life is about working hard in order to achieve big dream. The term dream is defined as the feeling of desire for something. Dreaming big gives someone motivation to take action and strength to overcomes failures. When I imagine a person that stepping 100 foot pole to reach the top, I automatically compare it to my own life. I remembered, when I was 14 one of my dreams was to study in South Africa. But my aunt who raises me refuses, because her husband didn't have enough financial resources. So, I asked myself, how I will make my dream come through. I plan my project into two steps which are the following:

·  Firstly I did my best in succeeding to pass my matrix
·  Another one was to bring up good results through my government for a bursary

For any situation, if someone when to achieve he/she must listen to his heart and not get bogged down by others who are constantly expressing their doubts.

Friday, 23 March 2012


We are what we do? It is difficult question to answer. On the first approach, I examined this statement in the context of company profile. In the business world, several organisations show their background achievements and his people commitment in the organisations goals through any media.This method aim is to guide potential clients about their services. It usually includes the vision, mission and values, company history, leadership, news releases, investors and full contact address. Let take example of well-known firm Coca-Cola that operate in more than 200 countries and market a portfolio of more than 3,000 beverages products including sparkling, sports, and energy drinks. This ideology makes Coca-Cola unique than other businesses 



Shopping addiction can be defined as compulsive need to buy on a daily basis. Addicted shoppers have a  tendency to forget why they bought something in the first place. They respond to the desire to meet their immediate wants but they don’t know to handle money properly. It originates from people who were disadvantaged or poor in their childhood and classify as a sign of deep-rooted issues. In the society, many women model themselves on celebrities and dream to purchase high quality items from expensive brand name. Indeed glamour is one of the factors in which they are exposed very day of their lives: It may be on their television screen, radios, in magazines and newspapers. The message these media communicate is that if they are glamorous, then they are the new social elite.

Friday, 16 March 2012


Why are we afraid of the wrongs? It a complex subject matter. Let ask us, what is fear?  Fear is what someone feels when he/she faces something that is unknown or a perceived threat to him/her.  Fear is also related to the need to understand why something is going on. Eventually human reflexes and instincts are connected to fear. For instance, a student won't attend her university classes on the first day because she knows that in some classes the professor will instruct them to go around the room and introduce themselves. Just thinking about sitting there, waiting to introduce her to a roomful of strangers who will be staring at her makes her feels nauseous. She knows she won't be able to think clearly because her anxiety will be so high, and she is sure she will leave out important details. Her voice might even quiver and she will sound scared and tentative. The anxiety is just too much to bear. So she skips the first day of class to avoid the possibility of having to introduce herself in class.


There are children who prefer to read numerous pages of maths or any other subject, and know exactly how to solve any problem related to them. These types of children can be classified into the books-smart-kids category. Further, some of them aren’t too involved with their books and would rather be elsewhere doing things with their hands. They more enjoy building things, drawing, painting or even paying sport. However, those kids have expressed their skills over the architecture and engineering field. Are these kids smarter than others? Every child is different. Also, teachers and parents must understand that intellect comes in different forms. “There are means of measuring intelligence to establish whether a child will cope in a mainstream school, or if they will need special education, for example’, says child and play therapist Shannon Eggers.

Friday, 9 March 2012


Since 2008, Yemen is well-known Arabian country which has a distinct principles and laws of its own. But males and females do not have equal rights with regards to the political, social, and cultural opportunities. If the country wants to elect people over the various departmental sections, it sees that women haven't the right to request seat in the Yeminite parliament or candidature as minister because of Islam in a misogynistic way, even exaggerating the practices prescribed by the prophet Mohammed: scripta Volant (writing passes) but traditions endure. From the political point of view, there are only two women ministers , another in the Shura (the senate , which has 111 members directly appointed by the president), and 35 females magistrates among almost 200 males counterparts. So, thirteen volunteers have passed their training and entered active service in the national army's anti-terrorism unit. 


In the real world , never phenomenons of raining animal exist when it comes about the fiction of fish falling from the sky. Many people do not believe that it will happen one day. However, there are only meteorologists who gave little explanation about" the incident was probably caused by tornado. It common for tornado to suck up water and wish from rivers and drop those hundreds of miles way." For example , in the case of  a rain of fish in Singapore in 1861, French naturalist Francis de Laporte de Castelnau explained tat the supposed rain took place a migration of walking catfish, which capable of dragging themselves over the land from one puddle to another.This statement can be true or false depends on the beliefs of each human beings.

Friday, 2 March 2012


Wind is a natural movement of air that blows dust, coldness, and dirtiness into the atmosphere. It sometimes appears during spring and autumn season. Indeed, this movement falls down everything in the passage such as the trees, roofs of building, power lines in the city and cause highway accidents as gusts push around car and trucks. However, wind doesn’t have a specific colour like we observe into others natural phenomena around the earth. It just brings feeling of sadness, pressure, loss and fear. There is an example of the Santa Ana winds in sweep down wide across the deserts and across the Los Angeles Basin pushing dust and smoke from wildfires far out into the Pacific Ocean. Los Angeles is in the upper left of this image and San Diego is near the exact center.


In the beginning, each individual receives a basic education that derives from his relative. This tutoring helps someone within regards of his behaviour in the society. But some people decide to keep their bad habits. A habit is any behaviour that someone has performed so often which becomes almost an involuntary response. People spend countless hours attempting to break these habits and often do not have any success. Reason being, because change is hard work and there is no short cut to achieving it. To effectively change a habit, one needs to bring the action back into the realm of consciousness and regain the ability to make choices. Here are some tips a person needs to follow in order to break bad work habits:

  • Stop abusing office resources and use time productively.
  • Avoid gossip, because it creates a bad reputation and nobody will share information with you.
  • Don’t postpone what you can do today for tomorrow
  • Being late for meeting shows lack of respect. So try your best to manage your time efficiently.
  • First impression count, so wear clothes that you look respectable in look like you take your job seriously.