In the society, it sees that marriage is the union between two people.
Many women are incapable to understand clearly the purpose of making a lifelong
commitment with another person. In general view, they think that it is
dependent the signature of piece of paper in front of families and friends ,
put ring into finger or organise a big party, after they become husband and
wife. Moreover, the response that we received from the women that we interviewed
is like “I’m getting very old and this is one of the reasons why I want to get
married”. Whether many expectations must be taken in consideration before the
two parties agree for the final decision. Those things are the following:
- Before getting
married a couple need to know each other in order to avoid misunderstand
- A couple need
to be friend and not just build a partner relationship
- Trust is a must, working to make things better for parties and
enjoyment, pleasure and Happiness
- Besides love, communication is the biggest tool that leads the couple for mutual respect