Friday 9 November 2012

Twists dreads are a quick, clean way of making dreadlocks in minimal time. Someone who wants the look of dreadlocks can make them using one of a few different methods. One method of producing dreadlocks in African hair is by twisting the hair. These twists of hair will eventually lock into place and make dreadlocks, although it will take about four months. Here are some tips to do twist your dreadlocks, including:
1.    Using a rat-tail comb, section a piece of the hair into a 1-inch square, securing it with a small rubber band near the scalp.
2.    Continue sectioning off the hair in 1-inch square sections until the entire head is done.
3.    Take one section of hair and remove the rubber band. Using your comb, back-comb the section of hair closest to the scalp. Back-comb about 1 inch of hair at the scalp.
4.    Apply a dab of beeswax to the length of hair. Place the comb at the end of the hair and twist the lock of hair around. The twist should stay in place.
5.    Hold the twist between your palms and roll the hair to start the locking process.
6.    Work your way around the head until all the sections of hair have been twisted into twists dreads. This will take a while to do, so it's good to have a friend help you.

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