We see cliché everywhere in the society. It can be even in the speech, writing, cinema, lifestyle, and so forth. I will focus my story in the context of writing in langauge arts. What is cliché? To the language arts, a cliché is a sentence that was once colourful but is now overused. It easy to identify cliches, but some people have trouble forming alternatives. Simply try to communicate as straightforwardly as possible. Remove metaphors from the speech. Instaed of saying, “Let’s touch base,” toss away the imaginary baseball and simply state, “Let’s talk”. With a bit of practice. There is nothing wrong with metaphors. The threats to effective writing are methapors that have become overused. If someone enjoy using metaphors, then he can create a few original ones to enhance his writing.
Friday, 25 May 2012
My father loves me for real and forever.
Since my younger age, he is the one who cares and feeds me.
I do not deserve to be his child but he chose me.
When I walked on miles and lost myself.
He is the one who showed me the right path to move ahead.
I didn’t realize that he loves me more than himself.
When I’m hurt and feel alone in any situation.
He is the one who gives me confidence at all times.
That’s all the love of my father.
I live in the planet earth where horrific and good things happen.
But he has always provided me with his protection.
Nobody can give me such privilege…
Sunday, 20 May 2012
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There are different variables that shape and mould our complex personalities and behaviours. It views that the world of a first-born child is far different to that of a second, third or last-born, and even worlds apart from that of an only child. Even though these findings are not carved in stone they are generally common researchers have observed that where an individual is placed in his family structure has influence in the type of relationships both romantic and friendships he or she will seek to have in his adulthood. Different psychologists have over many years done work that attempt to explain birth order personality. One of the experts working diligently on birth order is psychologist and executive coach Dr Maynard Brusman. He says first-borns often grow up with perfectionist tendencies and always strive for approval and success in the adult world. Many times the eldest child is dealt more responsibility at a younger age, like taking care of the younger children. Learning responsibility earlier can give the eldest child the advantage of learning time management and acquiring more advanced cognitive abilities earlier, leading to the common 'over achiever' status. The second child usually doesn’t get as much attention as the elder one parents devoted to the elder one, so they would often look outside of the family for their growth. By the time the last–born arrives parents have loosened up and will indulge the child. They may grow up seeking attention and may even be manipulative.
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I’m a friendly person who socializes with other people. My main focus in friendship is care for people in need. It doesn’t matter of your culture, race, gender or religion. However, the most important thing is to keep and maintain good relationship with other people. From the past till now, I met a lot people from different countries such as England, France, Belgium, Cameroon, Benin, Togo, Ghana, and South Africa. Some of them are kind and respectful with me. Others are very rude with me. When I was doing my internship, one of my supervisors always shouted at me. But I didn’t reply on her accusations. I always kept quiet. For each academic year, there are number of first year applicants who sent their portfolios in order to study interior Design course. During 5 months, I was part of the people who gave assistance to the parents and students. One day, my supervisor asked me about the portfolio of one applicant, I fetched the wrong one and put it in her desk. She became very hungry and threw out the portfolio in the floor over the students and parents. I never had been humiliated in front of a huge crowd. I didn’t make any complaint till the rest of day. But she saw that I was very quiet. After the work, she sent a SMS in order to apologise for her wrong attitude. I didn’t answer because she hurts at the bottom of my heart. The following day, she came to me and apologised for the second time. I forgave her and she promised me that the incident will not happen again.
Friday, 11 May 2012
Disputes regarding equal pay for equal work are becoming more frequent. I spent the day through different police offices and I discovered many things about the causes and effects of gender discrimination between men and women in the field of police work environment. During my investigation, there is something that made me upset; employees have received their salary according to the colour of skin. It’s an unfair discrimination. Everybody must be treated equally. I never see it before. Managers didn’t take in consideration effort that employee provides in his job, the most important aspect is the colour of skin. For instance, if you’re hard worker and belong to the opposite race of his choice regards the salary payment, and then you will receive fewer wages. From the communication officer that I interviewed at SAPS” black people are the most predominant race who has received high salary within the field of police work”. To conclude, people do not understand that employee receives salary from a company in return for work performed.
“Actions speak louder than words”. It views that people can say anything, but when what they say and do is contrary; it’s easier to judge by what is done instead of by what is said. Further, actions should meet verbal obligations or sentiments, and they should not contradict them. For example, if a person constantly talks about the plight of the poor but never think of donating to a charity or in any way mitigating that plight, their words have a hollowness or empty equality. In another side, words have the capacity to harm and they may sometimes speak louder than actions. Even in ancient Greece, Plato was against the Sophist teaching of rhetoric because it might be used in immoral ways to convince people to think in unethical ways or draw false conclusions.
Friday, 4 May 2012
I can’t imagine a wonderful wedding cake place in the middle of the road. It means a disaster and huge disappointment for the staffed bakery that designs and makes decorating wedding cakes. Designing a wedding cake cost a lot of time, energy and hard work. Those elements include swirls of colour, neat trellis decorations, flowers made of icing etc... As my uncle is a professional wedding cake and decorator, I understand what goes into making a wedding cake. The beauty and definition that my uncle is able to craft with her own two hands is the true heart and soul of someone with intense passion. I have been going to lessons with my uncle, let me tell you...it’s not easy. It views that couple request a cake to impress their guests in the wedding ceremony. The meaning of cake cutting ceremony symbolises the mutual commitment of bride and groom to provide for one another.
Love between mother and child is natural phenomena. The mother has gone through pain and suffering for the baby .As we would see, the period of pregnancy is almost nine months. When they feed their baby through breast feeding, specific chemicals are released that act on the mother’s instinct centre (in her brain) causing her to feel pleasure. Meanwhile, the same process is going on the baby’s brain. This causes them to love their mothers. Whether the child is disabled or perfect they love their child. It’s something we can’t explain unless you’re a mother. My older sister told from her experience “when my son was just born, I loved him because I had been waiting for this child so long. Also, he was half of the man that I was in love with. For the first few weeks, he was just a blob, sleeping, eating and crying. But as he grew and developed his own personality, I loved him more and more.” Thus, mothers love their child because the child is part of her and they have the same blood flowing through their veins.
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